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Level 2

Automation Interface, shortcut display name


I have some problems when I'm trying to create a new shortcut with the automation interface.
Actually, the creation is working, but I'm not able to set the DisplayName property to an already set string ID.

Set oShortcut = oFolder.AddShortcut("SHORTCUT_" & stringID)
With oShortcut
.Arguments = args
.DisplayName = "MY_ShortcutName"
.target = destination & Mid(fileName, InStrRev(fileName, "\") + 1)
End With

In this code DisplayName property will create a new string ID (for ex ID_STRING38 = "MY_ShortcutName". But I want to set the DisplayName to string ID "My_ShortcutName" which already exists for multiple languages.

I've tried "##MY_ShortcutName##", "{MY_ShortcutName}", "[MY_ShortcutName]" but none is working.

Do you know any way to set DisplayName to a known string ID?

Please Help!

Thank you
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(1) Reply
Level 17

At this time, you need to use Windows Installer API instead of Automation Interface in order to accomplish it. Please refer to this thread for a sample code.
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