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Level 16

Automation Interface and Merge Modules

Is there a way to configure a merge module after adding it to a feature using the automation interface?

It doesn't seem like there are any types available to describe a merge module and the add/remove members only take strings as an argument along with no collections being exposed to indicate which modules belong to a feature.

Am I missing something or is this part of the API just really not there?
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(4) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Unless they're part of ISWiFeature.ISWiObjects (which I would not expect), this API is probably just missing. This feature request is being tracked under IOC-000072904.
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Level 16


Do you know how to add a condition to a feature? I'm looking at the ISWiFeature and ISWiCondition objects and I'm not getting it. The Conditions collection doesn't seem to implement add and remove members and the Add/Delete condition members of the Feature class take a string key which I have no idea how to construct.

It seems like something is missing to me.

BTW, am I correct in assuming that the IS IDE doesn't actually use it's own automation interface? It seems like every single time I try to use this part of InstallShield functionality is either missing or broken.
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Level 16

OK, I figured it out but jeesh. How am I supposed to know the "sConditionKey" is the conditional expression? In fact, if the AddCondition member is a wrapper for functionally constructing the condition, why not have an InstallLevel argument also?

Oh this API kills me.... 😞
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I'm glad you found what you needed. Our automation layer design predates me, so I can't comment too usefully on that. But I hear you. It's a layer which wraps our internal automation, I believe with the intent to protect people from some of the worst authoring mistakes our internal automation allows. As you've noticed, this means it can be out of sync with our IDE's capabilities.
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