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Level 2

Automated installation of InstallShield 2023 Standalone (InstallShield2023R2StandaloneBuild.exe)

Hi there,

I am trying to do automated installation of InstallShield2023R2StandaloneBuild.exe with a node-locked license. Running .\InstallShield2023R2StandaloneBuild.exe /s /v"LICENSETYPE=1 /qn" does not appear to do anything. What am I missing?

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Level 2

Answered my own question. Necessary to run as Administrator instead of having it elevate afterwards.

start /wait .\InstallShield2023R2StandaloneBuild.exe /w /Clone_Wait /S /v/qn /VLICENSETYPE=1 /VIS_BROWSE_FILEBROWSED=C:\path\to\license.lic

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