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Level 2

Adding dlls to Program Files

I have a project I'm very happy with in general but when I look at my install directory in Program Files there are extra dll files that I did not tell it to include. I had coppied this project and changed a few things from a different project that did need those dll's but even in that project I did not tell it to include them it just did it automatically. Is there something I can do manually to tell IS to reread the references to automatically include or better yet to NOT automatically include references?
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(3) Replies
Level 9

Hello Paul,

The Dlls and folders that get added in the InstallShield -> 2013 LE folder are included as soon as the ISLE installation process is done on the system. And all the required DLLs are included by default.

If you wish to remove any files, you can do so by manually deleting them or store them in a different location and add it to this folder for a later use.

Hope this helps.

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Level 2

I'm not sure if we're on the same page... I'm talking about when I install my application not ISLE in general.

When I install my application it puts some .net system dlls into the install directory of my application. I don't want this to happen or at least I want it to reread the references from my project file because I am no longer including any references to the dlls it's including in my project.
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Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Hi Paul

If you right click on some of your included files, there is a "Dependencies from scan at Build..." option.
Can you check if these extra files are included through there?
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