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Level 2

Access is denied to rra file


While installing a setup built using IS 2008 under a user not having administrative privileges I get the following error -

The following error occured on the file "path-truncated\filename.rra".
Access is denied.

Could anyone please suggest what are the minimum permissions required for a Install-shield setup to be able to run without any issues?

Can the above stated error be avoided without promoting the user to have admin privileges?

Thanks in advance.

With regards,
Software Engineer
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(1) Reply
Level 10

If a setup is running without administrator (or elevated) privileges, it can only write to locations that the user could write to manually (like via Regedit or Windows Explorer). So if you keep to sub-olders of AppDataFolder, FavoritesFolder, and PersonalFolder (My Documents) and the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER, you should be ok.
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