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Level 4

FileType Questions

I have a file extension that I want my program to open. I added the file type to my exe component, and it does open using my application. However I want the files to use a different icon than my executable is, and I don't see how to set that up.

Example of what I want:

App1.exe uses xxx.ico
samplefile.myext Opens with App1.exe, but uses yyy.ico

Also, I don't see the file type association in Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types in windows explorer.

Edit: using Basic MSI Project
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(3) Replies
Level 4

Create your extension name similar to

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.xps and value as Default -

now create another key

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ under this create a key called DefaultIcon and create it's value as the icon.

You can embed this icon in the exe file of your choice and then get the index of it. google "File associations" This will give you all the details about this file associations and implement this in the installscript function. Use this function as a custom action in MSI projects.

Prashant Lade
0 Kudos
Level 8

you can do this in the advanced view for the component that contains the executable file that will be associated with the extension once you specify a progID for the extensions. I have found that in order to get the progID to show in the lists of the File Types view you have to click off the view and come back to it. Selecting the ProgID associated with your extension will allow you to set the icon file for the files of that extension type.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Lurean wrote:
you can do this in the advanced view for the component that contains the executable file that will be associated with the extension once you specify a progID for the extensions. I have found that in order to get the progID to show in the lists of the File Types view you have to click off the view and come back to it. Selecting the ProgID associated with your extension will allow you to set the icon file for the files of that extension type.

Perfect thanks
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