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Level 3

A strange message error after installing SQL Server 2005 Express SP1

Hi to all!
I created an InstallScript MSI project and added as prerequisite SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 and modified the file Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express SP1.prq as this:



The installation SQL Server 2005 Exp SP1 is made OK, and when the instance of SQL exists it is executed OK from the condition (i.e. it doesn't overwrite the files) but however in both cases I get a strange error message saying that "The Installation Appears to have failed. Do you want to continue the installation?". My instance is named REM. I do not have any idea where the problem should be. Maybe in the return value?
Any help would be really appreciated!
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(3) Replies
Level 3

I saw in the forum that this problem of the error message existed since version 10 (at least), so I just suppressed the error message for this prerequisite.
It is not a good solution, however it is working.
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Level 5

That is because the condition you difined is not correct.

Prerequisite will check if this key exist before installation and check this key again after installation. If prerequisite can not find the key after installation, then the message you saw will pop up.

The key you defined doest not exist after SQL Express 2005 SP1 installed.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks a lot Qingsong.
Please can you correct my condition? What other condition should I use?
Thanks in advance for any help!
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