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Level 3

32 Bit legacy drivers

I'm getting an error during build "The conversion process does not support data in the MSI table "MsiDriverPackages'. -9029


I go through the driver wizard and add the driver via the inf file, but it fails to build. I cannot find and knowledge base article on -9029.


Anyone have a suggestions?

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(2) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @RickFrank,

Thank you for your post.

Did you, perhaps, click the Build button, highlighted in red, under MSIX, instead of the Build button, highlighted in green, under Build, see attached screenshot?

In your project, is Build Windows App Package, set to Yes, see attached screenshot?

If you set Build Windows App Package to No then rebuild the project, does the issue still occur?

Please give this change a try. Does that work for you?

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Which Build Button.png

Build Windows App Package.png

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Yes that eliminated the error. Thank you.


I'm a newbie (well it's been over a decade since I've used install shield) and one other thing I can't seem to figure out:

When I create a feature (or component) I want to add a folder with some dll's inside my application folder, but I don't see how to do that? How do I create a directory structure in the output? Seems like it should be easy :>)



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