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Level 7

2009 Standalone Build SP2

This is probably just me messing up something since a lot of people have gotten well beyond this point, but I can't find it...

Basically, the structure of the standalone build seems to have changed dramatically, based on what we saw after installing. We used to use ISSaBld.exe, but now that exe doesn't even appear to exist. What to do, what to do....

I used the update manager in the 2009 IDE to download setup.exe with 2009 SA, SP2 (version and ran it on our build machine (no IDE installed). In the install folder, there are several directories, but no files in the root, including IsSABld.exe, which as I said is what we used to use.

So is there a new exe we use for building? Did something go wrong with my install?

Thanks for your help!
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Level 6

Look for ISCmdBld.exe in the System folder and use that instead.

There is a paragraph about it in the SP2 Release notes. The heading is "Improved Compatibility Between the Standalone Build and InstallShield".

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