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Level 4

windows 64bit: Could not find a valid JVM to load

I have a windows 7 64-bit, with jdk 64-bit installed.
but my installer(NOVM) complains about 'Could not find a valid Java virtual machine to load'.

Anybody can help me out?


I have to manually add the java into my USER PATH to start the installer, even it is already in my SYSTEM PATH.
Any way to fix it?
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(7) Replies
Level 3


I am using InstallAnywhere 2008, and I have exactly the same problem:

I have built an installer which has no bundled JRE, since I am sure that the client PC upon which the Installer will be executed already has a valid JRE installed.

- On Win 7 64-bit, even though I have a 64-bit JRE 1.6.0 installed on the PC, the installer complains that no valid JRE is found.

- On Win XP x64, on the other side, my installer fails with the error box "Win64 not supported".

Did you find a solution to this problem?
I was thinking about upgrading to InstallAnywhere 2009, in the hope that this problem had been solved, but it looks like it is still the same!

Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks and best regards,

0 Kudos
Level 4

I had the same problem with 2008.
That's why I want to migrate to 2009.
But seems the installer built with 2009 still got the same problem: Could not find a valid JVM to load. Have to manually add the Java into the USER PATH.

Please let me know if you find anything.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for your reply.

Hmm, this seems to be a VERY annoying problem and a real BUG of InstallAnywhere.

If this doesn-t work, then I think InstallAnywhere should not claim support for 64/bit OS...

Shall we wait for InstallAnywhere 2010? Will there be a better support for 64/bit? Let-s hope so...
0 Kudos
Level 20

I think it's this bug:
It seems that it is gonna be fixed in IA 2010!
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi, and thanks for your reply.

Actually, the problem outlined in this other thread seems to be only related to the "uninstall" phase, while we are experiencing problem in the "install" phase. Maybe the poster in the other thread created an install with an embedded 32-bit JRE, while we are including NO JRE within our installer.

Thanks for your comments, in any case.

BTW, how do you know that problem is gonna be fixed in IA 2010? And also, do you have information about the possible release date for IA 2010?

Thanks a lot,

0 Kudos
Level 20

If you read the other thread, you'll see that they use indeed a 64 bit JVM. So indeed it's a different issue, sorry for my reading a little bit too fast. As you can see, you might advance a little if you bundle a 64 bit JVM, you'll be able to install, and with a workaround to uninstall as well.

As part of the IA 2010 Beta forum I asked about the other issue and got confirmation that it's gonna be fixed. I can ask if you want about this one if it's a known issue and if it's gonna be fixed as well!

Obviously, I cannot comment on the IA 2010 release date, simply because I don't know it! 🙂 (FYI, Flexera Software doesn't comment on release dates either, so... all that I can guess is that given the name it is scheduled for release this year!)
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Vlad,

and thanks a lot for your feedback.

The sentence "Our installer is happy while installing on Win2008 64 bit with 64bit JVM" in the other thread is not completely clear to me: I mean, was the mentioned 64-bit JVM installed on the Win 2008 64-bit system, or was it embedded in the installer itself?

My test case is: no JVM bundled with the installer, and a 64-bit JRE installed on the Windows x64 system. In this situation, I have the following results:

1 - On Win 7 x64, the installer complains that no Java Virtual Machine is found to execute the installer.

2 - On Win XP x64, the installer shows the "Win64 not supported" error message.

If you can report this problem to the IA 2010 team, then of course I will be extremely grateful!

I think that a perfect functioning in the above test cases is fundamental in order to claim 64-bit support for IA! Isn't it?

Thanks again,

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