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Level 7

keyfile of the components?

For what is the keyfile of the components used?
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(11) Replies
Level 20

Quoting from the IA manual:


Dependencies are components that are needed by the application that is being installed, but are not actually installed by the application's installer. This is useful if your application relies on other components like an application server or a database that may be installed by other applications. At uninstall time the application will uninstall the component even though it did not install it unless another installed application needs it.

The installer will search the product registry to check if a component with the component ID of the dependency specified is installed. You can also optionally specify a version number or key file location to make the search more specific. You can control when the installer searches for dependencies explicitly by using the Evaluate Dependencies action.
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Level 7

Yes, but what does the installer with that file, when checking dependencies?
In there any special file type required or looks he only, that this file exists?
0 Kudos
Level 20

I must confess that during all this time (I've been using IA for more than 4 years) I haven't quite grasped the keyfile concept: to me it looked like IA arbitrarily decided that a certain file is the keyfile for a component and whenever I tried to change its choice, I couldn't. That said, I haven't had too much use for components or checking if a component was already installed based on keyfile.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hm. Do you use in general no components?

I'm currently reorganize my files -> function assoziation to files -> components, because I try to "fix" some deinstallation issues.

e.g. My function tree is that:
[+] Server
-----[+] Tomcat
--------- UDDI
--------- Portal

The file layout is like:
----- Speedfolder: which installs the Tomcat (bin, server and so on)
---------- webapps
---------------Speedfolder: uddi
---------------Speedfolder: ROOT

When starting the deinstaller and selecting UDDI and Portal should be deinstalled, than the whole tomcat will be deinstalled. And this is not my intention, because there exists more webapps.

And the other problem is, when selection just only "Portal" for deinstallation,
than he don't deinstall the folder. (In my case the folder Tomcat/webapps/ROOT.)

So I thought using components may fix this problem.
0 Kudos
Level 20

Would it be possible for you to post your project?
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hm. I posted it to your email. 🙂

Hm. is an mailaccount, or is this only for instant messaging?
0 Kudos
Level 20

Well yes, I got it, unfortunately I'm still using IA 8 so I cannot open your project (I mean I can open it but I don't see the whole install task section). This is why I was suggesting you to post it, maybe somebody else could give a look and have an idea.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Oh. Hm 😕

Then I need to zip and post it...
0 Kudos
Level 7

Something different: In which timeframe normally IA releases updates?

I mean IA2008 release was > 4 months ago... and still no bugfix available...
0 Kudos
Level 20

From my experience, they don't have a regular schedule. I mean sometimes they can release a patch when something is horribly broken, but most of time, and this I've complained about, they do NOT announce intermediate releases. They just do silent updates, so if today you download IA 2008, in a couple of months some user posts an issue and states that the version used is IA 2008.1 and so only then you realise that a new update has been released...
0 Kudos
Level 7

I've answer from support.
This is another known bug, that features depending on "upper" features in the tree mostly don't uninstall their files at uninstallation of these specific features.

My solution for now is just only uninstall all or nothing... 😕
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