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Level 2

interactive shell script from InstallAnywhere in console mode

I use InstallAnywhere in console mode in Linux for installation and want to run some interactive shell script after finishing the installation. By "interactive" I mean that the script should ask some questions and receive user input.

I tried to run it with "Execute target file" action, but the script prints nothing to the console (it surely executed because prints debug information to output file). I also tried to bring the script to foreground using "fg %1" (it was the last command in InstallAnywhere), but it did not work too.

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Is there any way to execute interactive script by InstallAnywhere in console mode?
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(1) Reply
Level 6

I suggest removing the interactive parts of the script. You should let the installer handle prompting the user for any info and then just passing those values to the script or have it edit in the values to the script.
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