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Level 2

installer not using the JAVA_HOME value from the response file


I'm running InstallAnywhere 2009 Enterprise, in silent mode, with a response file,
which looks like:
JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.5.0_14

And then I'm modifying some batch files to point to JAVA_HOME, but the installer just picks the default java6 JRE on my machine.

No errors in the install log, no indication that anything went wrong.

Thanks, Noel Grandin
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(3) Replies
Level 20

The best way to be sure the installer always uses the JVM version you want is to bundle the VM!
0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks Vlad, I would do that, but it causes a space issue - I run a whole variety of installers, adding the JRE into every single one would unacceptable space bloat.

The pity of this is that it used to work fine in earlier versions of InstallAnywhere.

We've been using this feature for about 4 years now, its only in InstallAnywhere 2009 that it started to break.

Regards, Noel Grandin
0 Kudos
Level 20

Most likely what happened is that the JVM search algorithm: from what you say it seems that it prefers to use a newer JVM (1.6) instead of an older one (which isn't too bad after all, I mean, is there a reason for which you would like to have the installer run against an older JVM version?)

I tried to check if there were any JAVA_HOME issues, and in the IA 2009 readme I've found this fixed issue:
IOC-000075163 The $JAVA_HOME$ variable is not properly set when the user chooses a VM that is under system32 directory.

I know this is not your case but who knows what side effect could the fix of the above have...
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