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Level 3

XSL transformation on archive fails


I try to apply a xsl-file to a web.xml-file in a war-archive.
Action: Perform XSL Transform - In Archive: test.war
Installed Archive: $INSTALL_TEMP_DIR$$/$test.war
Archive Path: WEB-INF$/$web.xml
Target in installer: $INSTALL_TEMP_DIR$$/$web.xsl
New file: test.xml

The result:
XMLScriptWriter: No Installation Objects were skipped
PerformXSLT: FAILED Archive doesn't contain entry: WEB-INF\web.xml Archive doesn't contain entry: WEB-INF\web.xml
at com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.PerformXSLTZip.i(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.PerformXSLT.m(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.PerformXSLT.installSelf(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.InstallablePiece.install(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.InstallablePiece.install(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.GhostDirectory.install(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.InstallablePiece.install(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.Installer.install(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.InstallProgressAction.n(DashoA10*..)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.ProgressPanelAction$*..)

Thank you for your help,
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0 Kudos
(5) Replies
Level 7

I haven't tried the XSL transform, but I have used the modify text in archive. For your Archive Path:. Just use WEB-INF/web.xml

this command is case sensitive so make sure that the case for your archive path matches what is really in your archive. (Don't necessarily trust what Winzip may say).
0 Kudos
Level 3

Dear purcellk24,

yes, I'm aware of this text-modification action on archives and I use it for web.xml too. It works perfect. Unfortunately, I must use the XSL-transformation and finally always receive this error.

Applying the action 'Perform XSL Transform' xsl-file to the extracted web.xml-file, every works fine.

Has so tried this?

Thank you for any help,
0 Kudos
Level 7

ok. thanks. What I meant to say, is use WEB-INF/web.xml instead of WEB-INF$/$web.xml.

And again, make sure of the case in your archive for WEB-INF or web-inf.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you purcellk24, indeed the backslash was the problem. Cool, it works now.

Last thing; is it possible to write the modified web.xml-file back to the archive (like Modify Text File - In Archive) ?

Thank you,
0 Kudos
Level 7

I'm not exactly sure. I actually created and call an ant build.xml file that basically just calls the jar/war command with update=true. I think it is a little slow sometimes, but it works for me.
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