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Level 5

Variable source directories

Hi, I want to start the build process with an external script where I can define what build should be boxed. In IA I saw only the opportunity to use a static path or replace this static path with a source path.

Source path: BINPATH = C:/projects/files/binaries/build_0_12
Speed folder: path= $BINPATH$/Win64

If I want now to change the BINPATH to e.g.:
BINPATH = C:/projects/files/binaries/build_0_13

Is there any possibility from outside of IA?

I tried to set an environment variable outside IA then read it in IA and set the $BINPATH$ to this new binaries path. $BINPATH$ is set to the right path, but it don’t affects the files which are installed. Still the old files from the old $BINPATH$ are installed.

Any idea?

Mfg valentin
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Level 7

It worked for me to use a bat file:

set IA_PATH_BINPATH=c:\whatever
start /b "InstallAnywhere" "C:\Program Files\InstallAnywhere 2008 VP1 Enterprise\InstallAnywhere.exe"

My local development machine has a different file/drive structure from the build machine, but I just make sure to set the variable in the scripts that launch the build, and have a separate local bat file for launching the IA UI.
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