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Level 4

Unstalling installed installer using InstallAnywhere


I created one installer (in windows) which on running opens Notepad. Installer is working fine and giving expected results. But, What i want is:

When i click on this installer again, first it should uninstall the installed installer and when uninstallation is complete, it should install it again.

1. How can i do it?

2. I want to check whether already this installer is installed or not, if it is, one screen should appear giving warning message (warning: This installer is already installed). What custom code or custom script should i write to check whether this installer is already installed or not?
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Level 9

First check if your soft is already installed by querying InstallAnywhere registry
=> "Find Component in Registry" Action (Project/Info/Product registry check-box should be unchecked)
(If your project is windows only, you can also add windows registry entry and then check if the entry exist or not).

Then you have the action "Execute Uninstaller".
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