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Level 3

Uninstall not created

I am using IA 2010 SP1.

In my install step I have an action to create an uninstaller called "Change_$PRODUCT_NAME$_Installation" in the folder "_$PRODUCT_NAME$_installation".

However, this file is not showing up when I do an install on AIX or Linux (install type doesn't seem to matter). The only thing that is showing up in the folder is file named ".com.zerog.registry.xml" However, on Windows the uninstaller is showing up.

"Organization > Components > InstallAnywhere Uninstall Component" is checked for both Application and Help product features

"Install > Shortcuts' Destination Folder ($USER_SHORTCUTS$) . Change_$PRODUCT_NAME$>Installation" has Uninstall_Z.. (I can't see the full name) selected.

For "Project > Platforms > UNIX > Uninstaller UI Mode", I have "" so I would expect an uninstaller to be created that defaults to console uninstall. Is there something else I need to do to have the uninstaller created?

Thanks in advance
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(1) Reply
Level 9


First thing to check will be that for every action you mentioned, there are no rule preventing installation of "uninstall" for linux.

That done, check the installation traces in file "$PRODUCT_NAME$_InstallLog.log"

Last step, set debug traces while installing (export LAX_DEBUG=true) to check for potential error.

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