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Strange behaviour of variable $DOLLAR$ on linux

I generate a shell script during installation (com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.ASCIIFileManipulator) with following content:


And on solaris after installation I got the correct content:

But on linux I got:

I already tried:

But this makes no difference.
Install anywhere version: InstallAnywhere 11.0 Enterprise Build 3890

Anyone an idea what I did / is wrong?
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Level 9

Strange that comportment is different for both UNIXES.

I guess you have an action of type 'Modify text File' with 'substitute IA variables in file' that is called twice for Linux only!

So on first shot, it changes "PATH=$DOLLAR$JAVA_HOME/bin$:$$DOLLAR$PATH" to "PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH"
Then on second shot, it replaced the enclosing $ ("$JAVA_HOME/bin:$") by empty value, so "PATH"

so I would check in uninstallation folder in file "" for variable name "$JAVA_HOME/bin:$" which would confirm my assumption.

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Thanks, seems a good theory!
I do not see any strange variables in, but will check if file is processed twice.
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Found the problem:
There where both for Linux and SunOS two steps, but the second step of linux had substituteIAVariables enabled. Thanks for your help!
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