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Level 4

Silent install on MAC


It looks like command line parameters (-i, -r, -f) of the installer are completly ignored for the MacOSX platform.

- with the '-r' option, the response file is left empty (it must have been previously created before running the installer)
- the '-i silent' option is ignored also (the only thing we can do is, through the interface, to force the uninstaller to run in silent mode)
- even the -help option is ignored.

All these options do work fine for the Windows platform.

On MacOSX, we tried two ways to run the installer:

1) using the .app
sudo open -W --args -i silent -f "path of the recording file"

2) using the executable contained in the app
sudo -i silent -f "path of the recording file"

Is there something I have misunderstood or IA2012 has been delivered partially finished ?

For us, this need of uninstalling and reinstalling is required for upgrading our product.
If we can't do that, we'll have no other way than forgetting InstallAnywhere.

Thank you for your help
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(3) Replies
Level 4


Silent installation is not applicable on MAC OS.


0 Kudos
Level 4

manzoor.matoo wrote:

Silent installation is not applicable on MAC OS.



Hi Manzoor,
Thank you for your answer,
but this is not what says the users guide:
Note •
Only InstallAnywhere Enterprise Edition can create installers that operate in silent mode. Silent mode is
unavailable in installers built with
InstallAnywhere Standard Edition.
Silent mode, which enables an installer to run without any us
er interaction, is fully supported on all UNIX platforms.
A near-silent mode is possible on Windows and Mac OS
X. InstallAnywhere and end-us
er-defined variables may be
set through command-line parame
ters or a properties file.
To trigger a silent installer from the command line, type the following command:
installername -i silent
You may also call a properties file from the command line:
installername -f
properties file
You may use the direct or the relati
ve path to the properties file
this is from

I understand it is available, even in 'near-silent' mode.
More, it works fine on Windows.

I'm happy if somebody has a workaround

Thank you
0 Kudos
Level 2

Loiseau wrote:

I understand it is available, even in 'near-silent' mode.
More, it works fine on Windows.

I'm happy if somebody has a workaround

Thank you

Hi All,

I have exactly the same problem. Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks, best
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