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Level 3

Setting Values to use ExtractToFile plugin


I need to execute a batch file to read windows registry during the pre-install stage and my installer would use the values in the later stage.

Im trying to use ExtractToFile plugin to set the source and destination values so that I can execute my batch file from the ExtractToFile_Destination folder. I have included the file in "DO_NOT_INSTALL" folder. I can see my batch file in the installer temp folder\\C_\folder\subfolder\myfile.bat. But it is not getting copied to the Destination folder.

Can someone guide me how to use this plugin effectively.


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(1) Reply
Level 3


If you want to read the windws registry using script file then that will be lot of work.

Instead of this you can use IstallAnywhere inbuilt feature "Get Windows Registry Entry".

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