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Level 3

Problem with '$' character


As a part of Installation, we are asking the user to provide a password for the a feature of ours. Now the problem occurs when the user is using '$'(dollar character) in this pass string. After installation, our product is unable to start due to the dollar sign in password.

Sample Scenerio:

Username: SomeName
Password: 123$5

Now lets say we are running some command like this

Start SomeService user=SomeName pwd=$123$5

This is where the problem is occurring.

I'm new to forums and I couldn't search in existing forums due to '$' sign 😞

Any help is appreciated.
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(4) Replies
Level 3


Any help is appreciated..!!!
0 Kudos
Level 20

InstallAnywhere variables are defined as to be between two dollar character, so it looks that for some reason, InstallAnywhere tries to interpret your input as a variable ($123$ which should revert to null as the variable doesn't exist), thus the odd behavior.
0 Kudos
Level 2

Did you manage to find a solution/workaround?

0 Kudos
Level 3

Nope. I'm talking to product management to see if we can allow only alpha-numeric for now. Kinda suxs to do so 😞
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