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Level 3

Customized uninstaller not working


I wish to customize both the name of uninstall folder(as _uninstallTest) and the uninstaller(as uninstall_test) as well. I got the solution from Acresso Problem Report HFHN7JM9TG.

I have tried the below-given steps:

1) In the IDE, navigate to Install --> Uninstall_$PRODUCT_NAME$ and select $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$ as path.
2) A new tree $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$ ($USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$) will get created.
3) Above (out of this tree ) this new tree, add a "Set InstallAnywhere Variable - Single Variable" action.
4) In this action, set the "Variable Name" to $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$ and "Set Value to" $USER_INSTALL_DIR$$\$_uninstallTest.
5) In the new tree, there will be an "Uninstall" action. In this Uninstall action, set the path to "$USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$" and Name to uninstall_test.
6) Build and run the project.

This creates the uninstaller with customized name "uninstall_test" and the uninstall folder name "_uninstallTest"

If I run the uninstaller - I get an error "Uninstallation could not complete due to an error". and the uninstaller exists.

I found that the problem the registry file (.com.zerog.registry.xml) got created under C:\ drive. but that should be created under the uninstall folder.

Why is it happening? Please help
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Level 6

This is a known issue and our DEV team is looking into it
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