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Level 6

Multiple evaluation of rules??


I've extented a CustomCodeRule.
The rule has been added to a panel in the Pre-uinstall.
It's the only place where it is in the project.
Inside the eval() method, I have a system.out.println.

Interestingly when running the installer, I see twice the println in the console.
For me it sounds like a bug. Did I missed something?


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(2) Replies
Level 20

You're sure you haven't navigate twice through the Custom Code (say, clicked on a Previous after having passed through it?)
0 Kudos
Level 6


I've designed a very simple installer.
It consists of 2 panels in Pre-install:
- a panel scrolling message with MyRule attache on it. a println in the constructor and on in the evaluate()
- a panel display message

In the Dos command windows I see only the evaluate trace once of the constructor and then once the one from the evaluate(). If I press Next (so to the scrolling msg Panel) Previous, nothing and then Previous: it appears twice.

This is strange I would not expect to have it twice here. I don't understand the logic.

But the strangest is when I put the scrolling msg Panel as the first panel, then the behavior is:
- trace of the constructor once
- twice trace of the evaluate()
... we are still at the first panel: the scrolling msg one
We press Next and we got
- one more trace of the evaluate()
Pressing Previous leads to the same as in the first configuration.

Is this the expected behavior of IA 2009?
Is it possible to specified when a rule should be evaluated?
I would say it should only be evaluated once and only when the Panel associated with is displayed.


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