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Level 4

Localizing license agreement.

I need to have our installer EULA localized and I'm having problems. I'm using a License Agreement panel and I've identified the English version of the file in it. Then in the localization files for the other locale (e.g. _es for Spanish) I've entered the appropriate file name like this:

# LicenseAgrActionConsole.b5b801dd972c.resourceName=license.txt

# LicenseAgrActionConsole.b5b801dd972c.resourcePath=$IA_PROJECT_DIR$\\SetupFiles\\

The license_es.txt exists in the same directory as the English one. But if I choose the Spanish locale in the installer I get a "File not found" message in the dialog. I've read the help & think I'm going everything right, but it doesn't work.

The only way I can make this work is to use a separate License Agreement action with a locale rule for each of the locales. It works but from the help it doesn't sound like I should have to do that.

Does anyone have any ideas about what I might have done wrong?
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Level 4

If anybody cares I figured out the problem. The localized files, for example license_es.txt need to be included in the IA project in the magic DO NOT INSTALL folder. Then the changes in the custom_es file worked.
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