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Level 9

Is it possible to capture the input from another exe in my installanywhere and use it

i am running another .exe file and whatever the user inputs in the panel of the other .exe i want to capture it in the script of the installanywhere and call a command using the captured input of the other .exe.
(say for instance i am installing mysql installer and i want to capture the username and password which the user selects in the mysql installer and run a command like mysql -ulocalhost -Uroot -proot -P3306 < D:\xxx.sql)
Is this possible to capture the input which the user gives in another .exe.
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(2) Replies
Level 20

Obviously, you cannot without some custom code. But I don't even want to imagine such a code that would listen for keyboard input (maybe also scan the display in order to recognize textfields?) Looks like what you're looking for is a almost like a keylogger functionality! Also what will you do when attempting to install on platforms where MySQL is ALREADY installed?!? Will you make your enduser to reinstall MySQL AGAIN just to capture those credentials?!?

Here's a very simple workaround: in IA simply prompt the user to enter the same credentials they used for MySQL!
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Level 9

even i thought of this workaround but i doubt if asking the user for the username and passsword he had used in mysql installer will annoy him.
Or is it fine if i give a user input panel post installation and ask him for the username,password he has given in the mysql installer and use these variables in my command.
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