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Level 4

InstallAnywhere 2008 Value Pack 1

Just got word that this might be posting Thursday 3/13.
It should fix the $PRODUCT_VERISON_NUMBER$ bug and add features.
My thoughts:
Stop adding features and fix the current problems:
IA Variables not updating [next/ back issue from 2005!] <-- :mad:
Java version issues (1.6_04+)
Locale issues (Install Complete Installer Step Image not being referenced/ dumped into custom_en)
RefreshEnviornment plugin hanging
remove.exe race condition issues on execute uninstaller <-- :eek:
I can keep going, but I won't 😄
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(11) Replies
Level 20

Hear, hear!
0 Kudos
Level 4

😄 Resolved Issues 😄

The following fixes and improvements have been made since the release of InstallAnywhere 2008.

IOA-000030238: Choose Java VM panel searches include Java 1.6.
IOA-000034525: Media sizing refactored to improve disk sizing efficiency and accuracy.
IOA-000038783 and IOC-000067629: Installers run successfully with JVM 1.60_04.
IOC-000065520: For projects that use the Set Windows Registry - Single Entry action to set multiple registry keys, these keys are successfully removed by the uninstaller.
IOC-000064548: InstallAnywhere traps potential .trl file corruption errors and handles them in a way that doesn't break the IDE.
IOA-000030962 and IOC-000063395: The custom code proxy was extended to make the InstallAnywhere variables enumeration publicly available.
IOC-000054692: Labels from merge module panels appear correctly when running within a parent installer.
IOC-000066204: InstallAnywhere correctly sets the product version number.
IOC-000060979: Variable Name property of Set System Environment Variable action is accurately resolved.
IOC-000067111: SpeedFolder processing redundancy at build time was corrected.
IOC-000066089: Corrected an error that was causing InstallAnywhere to appear unlicensed in the InstallScript.iap_xml file in the uninstall folder.
IOC-000066377: Check System Architecture rule correctly matches Intel 64-bit (IA-64, Itanium) condition to HP-UX IA-64 machine.
BZ-14331: The GUIAccess interface and the corresponding GUIAccessImpl class were extended to give developers the option to hide navigation buttons on installer panels.
IOC-000066748: InstallAnywhere preserves the settings of the Evaluate at Assignment option on the Set InstallAnywhere Variable - Multiple Variables action.
IOC-000063686 and IOA-000033693: InstallAnywhere enhanced the build process to allow developers to set a custom temporary directory for the build. See the InstallAnywhere help library topics "Command-Line Build Options" and "Ant Build Integration" for information on the -d option and the BuildWorkdirLocation option, respectively.
IOC-000061639: Global ZeroG Registry is created on Windows during installs run by non-admin users.
IOC-000061682: Resolved uninstaller issues related to file permissions in the temp directory.
IOC-000056313: Execute Ant Script action provides a Show Indeterminate Dialog option for users who want to provide a message when their installer runs an Ant script.
IOC-000067042 and IOC-000065364: Resolved uninstaller corruption issues on Mac OS X.
IOC-000065110: InstallAnywhere corrected the handling of registry keys when upgrading from version 7.1 to 8.0.
IOC-000065873: Override default permissions works correctly for User Install folder on Mac OS X and Unix.
IOA-000037582: InstallAnywhere shows a warning on startup if a directory referenced in a source path entry has been moved or deleted.
IOA-000036881: Corrected IDE issues for projects migrated from version 8.0 to version 2008.
IOC-000065698: Find File/Folder panel returns the full path to the selected file when Return Type is set to Full Path.
BZ-15734: Changes to $INSTALLER_TITLE$ in the Pre-Install task are reflected in subsequent installer panels.
0 Kudos
Level 4

😄 New Features:D

New Features:

InstallAnywhere continues to deliver the functionality developers need to build successful multiplatform installations. InstallAnywhere 2008 Value Pack 1 comes with several new and supporting features:

Windows Server 2008 Support

Keeping up with the latest platform releases, InstallAnywhere 2008 Value Pack 1 supports Windows Server 2008 (also known as "Longhorn Server"). InstallAnywhere users can build installers that run on Windows Server 2008.

Support for Concurrent Licenses

Concurrent licenses allow customers to purchase a pool of licenses to be shared among a group of developers. Contact Macrovision Sales for more information on purchasing InstallAnywhere under a concurrent license agreement:

Support for IBM i5/OS on the System i Platform

InstallAnywhere Enterprise Edition now includes support for i5/OS (formerly known as OS/400) on System i and supports both local and remote install and uninstall scenarios. This release introduces 12 new actions and 3 new rules for i5/OS on System i.

Fixes for Many Customer-Reported Issues

InstallAnywhere 2008 Value Pack 1 includes quality improvements that resolve dozens of customer-reported issues. See Resolved Issues for a list of issues fixed in this release.

AIX Object Data Manager Vital Product Data Support
InstallAnywhere allows registration of an installation into the AIX native registry with SWVPD Registry Integration. This is an expansion on previous support for AIX installations. Available in the Advanced Designer (Project > Platforms > UNIX task), Enable SWVPD Registry Integration allows users to configure SWVPD settings and causes an AIX-targeted installer to catalog files on a machine in a more AIX-native manner.

Improvements to the Arabic and Hebrew Runtime Support <-- WOOT!

With development advisor IBM, Macrovision has tested and strengthened its bidirectional merge capabilities for Arabic and Hebrew locales (first introduced with InstallAnywhere 2008) with specific improvements to mnemonics.

Other Changes

Optionally Set the Temporary Directory for Build.exe

Users can now set a custom working directory for the build. Typically, the build uses the InstallAnywhere project file directory as its working directory. Using the BuildWorkdirLocation option in the properties file or -d at the command line, users can now provide a custom working directory for the build to use.

Get InstallAnywhere Variables via Custom Code

Setup authors can now use custom code to get a list of InstallAnywhere variables. See the InstallAnywhere Javadocs for more information.

Control Navigation and Cancel Buttons via Custom Code

With InstallAnywhere 2008 Value Pack 1, setup authors can use custom code to control the visibility of navigation buttons (Previous and Next) and selectively enable or disable the Cancel button that appears when the installer is loading.

Response Files Record Properties Set via Custom Code

Prior to this release, response files recorded properties set via user input on panels and consoles. Now, response files also record properties set via custom code. New methods have also been created to explicitly prevent logging the custom code changes you want to suppress in response files or installation logs.

Improved Compression and Sizing for CD-Spanning Installers

Installers now automatically compress all added files. This reduces the size of all installers generated with InstallAnywhere. InstallAnywhere also produces more accurate estimates for disc sizes.

Execute Ant Script Action Can Show Message Dialog

InstallAnywhere adds the ability to show an indeterminate progress bar and a message dialog while an Ant script executed by an Execute Ant Script action runs. To show a message to users during the execution of an Ant script, navigate to the Execute Ant Script action customizer and then click Show Indeterminate Dialog and enter the message text.

z/OS Removal

InstallAnywhere installers no longer support z/OS systems due to a lack of market demand.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hm. How to update the IA2008 with VP1?
IA2008 internal update-check says: no updates available.
0 Kudos
Level 20

Well, the initial posting said it might be posted today...
0 Kudos
Level 4

The release notes are dated 3/13 so today might be the day.
This is a good thing is now I don't have to change all of our $PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER$ dependent products :).

pv7721 wrote:
Well, the initial posting said it might be posted today...
0 Kudos
Level 20

I confirm having received automatic notification from Macrovision about this new realease! And it's indeed a new full release, and NOT an update, that's the reason for which the Update mechanism inside IA did not show anything.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Same here. Narf.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Did the email provide a link?
I haven't received it yet :-/.

pv7721 wrote:
I confirm having received automatic notification from Macrovision about this new realease! And it's indeed a new full release, and NOT an update, that's the reason for which the Update mechanism inside IA did not show anything.
0 Kudos
Level 20

Like I was saying, this is a new release. You're entitled to it for free if you've got a maintenance contract. There was not a direct link to download it in the email, it was most like a link to with prefilled fields and allowed you to have it downloaded and / or shipped to you free of charge.
0 Kudos
Level 4

pv7721, thanks. I got the link to upgrade my maintenance plan fulfillment...
Email -> Junk Filter -> woops!

pv7721 wrote:
Like I was saying, this is a new release. You're entitled to it for free if you've got a maintenance contract. There was not a direct link to download it in the email, it was most like a link to with prefilled fields and allowed you to have it downloaded and / or shipped to you free of charge.
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