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Level 3

IA Newbie: Displaying progress bar/messages on AIX in console mode


I am new to IA and I am attempting to run a number of "execute command" actions as part of my pre-install. My problem is that I wish to display a progess message while my commands are being executed. The "show indeterminate dialog" does not do anything (although I am guessing this feature is only available in GUI mode) so my only work around is to display a message dialog which requires the user to click OK to continue.

Is there a way to display progress messages in console mode.

Many thanks in advance.

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(5) Replies
Level 20

Well, install part should be what its name suggests it is: pure installation. All the questions to the end user should have been answered in the Pre-Install task (i.e. you should not have actions that display messages AND requires user interaction in the installation part).
0 Kudos
Level 3

Many thanks for the reply.

My issue is that I want to inform the user when the installer is performing a task which could take a while to complete - I do not want have a blank screen where the user does not know what the installer is doing.

For example, during pre_install I run a number of system checks. At the moment I have to add a message dialog before running the execute command. This requires the user to Click OK to continue. I wish to just display the message with no user interaction.

Running pre-installation checks ...



Would like:
Running pre-installation checks ...

0 Kudos
Level 20

You've got the built-in Console: Display Action that you can use in the Pre-Install task.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I resolved the issue by downloading the "IndeterminateConsole" plugin from

Thanks Vlad for taking the time to answer my questions.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I managed to resolve my issue by downloading the "IndeterminateConsole" plugin from:

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my thread.
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