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Level 3

How to let IA installer know where my jars are - e.g. modify classpath variable(s)

Hi All,

Let me start by saying that I know there is a specific forum for earlier versions of IA. I posted my questions there but those forums seem to get little use. I figured that my general questions could possibly be answered by someone using the newer versions as well.

I have been updating my VM bundles consistently to current JRE versions (e.g. 6, 7, 😎 although I am still using IA 8. It works pretty well. However I am looking to upgrade now to Java 9 for the installer. Our application was always built and released with jar files in jre/lib/ext. I know this is not the best way to do it, but when I inherited the CM of the project it was already working that way.

Now w/java 9 extraneous jar files or extension dirs. are not allowed in the directory of the JRE. I have moved them to another location.

My issue is, how do I tell the installer where to find them now? I can't seem to edit the IA_CLASSPATH at all. Is this even the correct variable, or is there another that should be used? Also, do the jar files need to be present in the extracted launcher directory (e.g. /tmp/installdir.12345/..... on Linux) or can they be referenced from my installation location on my mounted ISO/DVD image via some environment variable that points to these areas?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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I'm not sure about IA 8, but can you try the 'Additional Classpath Settings' in the below help article
0 Kudos
Level 3

Well thanks for that input. I took a look and went into that screen but only the remove and up and down items are there. There is no add button, and I was unable to edit the class path list. 😞 Thanks anyway.

If anyone else sees this please let me know how I may point my installer to the jars installed into /ourdata/lib/app_libs ... as an example. I am not really sure what variables to use and what options to use to set them other than what has been mentioned above (additional classpath settings).

This I have tried, have not worked so far.

Thanks in advance.
0 Kudos
Level 9


In the Install sequence, you need to have a create folder action for /ourdata/lib/app_libs.
Then on this panel you should check the "in classpath" box.
The "ClassPath Settings" should be automatically updated with this new additional path.

0 Kudos
Level 3

jerome_IA wrote:

In the Install sequence, you need to have a create folder action for /ourdata/lib/app_libs.
Then on this panel you should check the "in classpath" box.
The "ClassPath Settings" should be automatically updated with this new additional path.


Thanks for your info (as shown in quotes above). The very first pre-install custom action uses classes from our application, so the classpath needs to be set early for this to work. Because we always had our jars and 3rd party jars in /lib/ext it was always working without any special settings. As for creating the folder I keep trying but it never lets me set the value part. Always / . I guess I am missing something about this whole thing.

Anyway I am going to keep trying. Any further help is always appreciated. Thanks again.:confused:
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