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Is there a way to test if a user running the installer has permissions to write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to ensure installer can create a new registry entry ?
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(2) Replies
Level 20

you've a custom code API for checking if the user is member of the administrator group (so obviously in this case they can write in the registry).
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Yes - but as you said, it ONLY checks if member of administrators group.
Because being member of Power Users group also allows writing to the registry, my boss either wanted a check for that also, or just a basic test to see if they can write there...

I am just looking for any option at this point.....API does snto get me all the way there..

pv7721 wrote:
you've a custom code API for checking if the user is member of the administrator group (so obviously in this case they can write in the registry).
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