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Level 2

File sets in the Installers created using Tags & Build configuration


My Req: Create 2 installer for Linux platform one for 32bit & 64bit using s single IA project file.

How I try:

a. Added all the files under the Install Tasks.
b. created 2 Tags.
* 32bit
* 64bit
c. Tagged all the files/folders required for 32bit installer with tag '32bit'.
d. Tagged all the files/folders required for 64bit installer with tag '64bit'.
e. Created 2 build config set. one with '32bit' & other with '64bit'.

With these steps, I am able to create 2 installers. BUT the PROBLEM here is that both the installers are having all the files. :mad:

I want:

32bit installer to have only the files tagged with '32bit'
64bit installer to have only the files tagged '64bit'.

Please help me with your inputs on how to implement this.

Labels (1)
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(2) Replies
Level 20

Have you tried in the Build section to check the Optimize installer by size (recommended for final installers)?
0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks for the help.

I got what is required:)
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