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Level 3

Expand archive at runtime

I am trying to expand a zip archive using the Expand Archive action. However, the name of the zip archive can change and could be anything. The only requirement fixed is that it will be a zip archive and will be located in the same location from where the installer is run. In fact, I need to be able to expand more than one zip also. InstallAnywhere wants me to provide the name of the zip file. Is there a workaround to address this use case.
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(3) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @rajeevshukla,

Thank you for your post.

You could try using an Execute Script/Batch file Action to run a 3rd-party command-line ZIP tool, such as the free 7-Zip tool. The ZIP tool would need to support wildcards in the target filename, such as: *.zip

You would also need to make sure that the the ZIP tool itself is available at runtime / install-time.



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Thanks for the reply Ian. I appreciate the prompt response. Can I write custom code to get the names of the zip files from the desired location and then pass it to the installer to Unzip it? Or create a setup.txt file that has the names of the zip files and then get InstallAnywhere installer to read from the file and unzip them. I am inclined to take the route because I don't want the dependency of the unzip utility being available on the user's system.
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Hi @rajeevshukla,

Thank you for your reply. No, there is currently no built-in functionality for passing a list of ZIP files for the Expand Archive Action to expand.



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