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Level 3

Executing scripts


I am working with InstallAnywhere 2008 Standard edition. I am using 'Execute Script/Batch file' option to execute few scripts to install various softwares. I would like to execute all these installation scripts based on the output of a script. I mean to say that if this script returns 'o' then execute all other scripts else if it returns '-1' then all other scripts should not be executed. Can anyone tell me how to acheive this?

Please get back to me for any further details.

Thanks in advance,

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(6) Replies
Flexera Alumni

The first Execute Script/Batch File action should set the value of an IA variable to the script return value ($EXECUTE_EXITCODE$, by default); you could then use that variable in a rule on subsequent script actions (or on an action group containing the other script actions).
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Level 3


Thanks for the reply. Could you please explain briefly on how to use the variable ($EXECUTE_EXITCODE$)?

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Flexera Alumni

To use the value of a variable in a conditional statement, you can select the Rules tab in an action's customizer, click Add Rule, and select Compare InstallAnywhere Variables. In the rule's settings, then, you can compare $EXECUTE_EXITCODE$ with the desired return value.
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Level 5

I have been lurking in the IA forum and some other script/batch programming forums to figure out why I am not getting this to work.

  • Vitals
  • InstallAnywhere 2012 Enterprise Edtion with SP1 patch
  • Windows XP with SP3 patch applied

  • Desired workflow
  • In the Pre-Install actions, I did an Add Action -> Execute Script/Batch file:
  • I cut an paste my batch script into the panel after debugging it and making sure it works.
  • We are performing an upgrade in the field which means we are installing newer files over older ones.
  • The batch script's function is to ensure that a certain list of files has the read-only attribute set. If the attribute is not set for any of the files in question, that means we have a broken system and we don't want to do the upgrade.
  • My intent is for the script to exit with a non-zero return code and have that be captured in the $EXECUTE_EXITCODE$
  • Then I added a rule at the Install action to Compare InstallAnywhere Variables Numerically. I am comparing $EXECUTE_EXITCODE$(left parameter) to 0. In the bottom it says Perform only if: I presume that means perform the install only if $EXECUTE_EXITCODE$ is 0.

  • Trouble
  • For testing, I deliberately setup a system where the read-only attribute was unset for all of the artifacts we care about.
  • I ran the script outside of InstallAnywhere and it is properly logging the problem and exiting with a return code of 1.
  • When I run it inside of InstallAnywhere, it does the logging stuff correctly and bails out where it should but the return code is not being captured in $EXECUTE_EXITCODE$.
  • Now I found an entry from 2008 in which that user cautioned not to do exit /b 1 but do exit 1. He said the '/b' hoses things up. So, I removed the '/b' part from my script. No luck.
  • Then I saw another post on a Batch scripting forum in which someone recommeded @%COMPSPEC% /C exit 1. That didn't work either.

    Question, how do I get the return code from the script captured into $EXECUTE_EXITCODE$. I am probably the gazillionth person to ask. Sorry ... New to batchscripting. Old Unix hand. And while I am at it, can I cut an paste a powershell script in this action, instead?
  • 0 Kudos
    Level 5

    I knew I would find the answer after bugging you folks. See

    The script has to look like this:


    :: Get the list of files with the read-only attribute set.
    :: This post-install script restores the read-only attribute
    :: to the files in the list.
    :: If the system encounters a system where there is not
    :: read-only attribute set, bail out with an error.
    dir /a:r-h /s /b>%AttrFile%
    if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
    call :complain "ERROR: %errorlevel% : read-only attribute not set for any file"
    goto :end

    :: Name : complain
    :: Purpose : Issues error message to logfile.
    :: Parameters :
    :: msg - Error message handling
    :: %1 - Error Message
    :: Increments wmerrors
    (set msg=%~1)
    set emsg="[%date% %time% %wmhost%] %msg%"
    echo %emsg:~1,-1% >> %LogFile%
    goto :eof

    %comspec% /c exit %errorlevel%

    That works. The entry I saw at the link is:

    I was confused for a bit, so this is just a note for others that you literally need that to be the last line of the file. It won't actually exit the batch, just set the error code. Calling EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% directly after it doesn't always seem to work either. The only reliable method I found was to use IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :end and have a label :end just before the last line with %COMSPEC% /C EXIT %ERRORLEVEL%>NUL – Jordan Evens Jan 10 '11 at 14:34
    Level 3

    @scarney Thank you for this workaround.  Still required with InstallAnywhere 2017 😥

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