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Level 3

DoInstall not synchronous when executing in a Removable drive

I'm facing this problem in InstallShield 2008 that I did not observed in InstallShield 6.31 version. When I execute child setups with the following code:

nRet = DoInstall ( szPath ^ "setup.inx", szParam, LAAW_OPTION_WAIT );

This instruction does not wait until the child setup ends and then I get a lot of problems, because several child setups start to execute at the same time.

I've tried to use the parameter /clone_wait, but sometimes some hangs occurred in parent setup, specially when child setups end executing

nRet = DoInstall ( szPath ^ "setup.inx", "/clone_wait", LAAW_OPTION_WAIT );

Is there an hotfix for this problem ? I'm running out of ideas to solve this issue.
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(2) Replies
Level 3

Just one remark, I have more than 60 child setups that are called by a parent setup.
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Level 20

Please be aware that you've posted in the InstallAnywhere 2008 forum and not in the InstallShield 2008 located here:
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