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Level 3

Custom code: How to fail the uninstaller at will?

1.How do I trigger the uninstaller to fail any time I want, from custom code?
2.The uninstall seems to always report SUCCESS, despite there is failure in it. How do I control that status?

This is the snippet of my custom action's uninstall()

FatalInstallException fie = new FatalInstallException( "The Deployment Plan Execution Failed." );
throw fie;

That never does it for us!
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Perhaps see if the method
public void abortInstallation(int exitCode)
from the InstallerProxy class will handle that?
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Level 3

Hi Robert,
Thanks...The last time we try, that API is not working for uninstall. We had to do System.exit()...pretty bad right now 😞
Anything else we can do?
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