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Level 2

Console: Get User Input adds apostrophes

I am using InstallAnywhere 2010 Enterprise and I want to allow a user to choose 2 folders when installing and I am allowing both panel or console installation. For the panel install, I can use the Panel: Choose Folder action. As there is no Console: Choose Folder action, I tried using the Console: Get User Input action to set $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_2$ and then use the input as the 2nd installation folder - but this always adds apostrophes around the input: e.g. the user enters /export/home/someuser/somedir then in the Install-step I write folders e.g. $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_2$/data and the system tries to install to "/export/home/someuser/somedir"/data/ instead of /export/home/someuser/somedir/data/ i.e. also the install-log explicitly shows the extra "" and obviously it does not work, although the install-log even shows a Status:SUCCESSFUL!! I tried this on SunOS 5.10.
This seems to be a bug in InstallAnywhere. Is there any work-around?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
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(2) Replies
Level 20

It's not a bug it's a feature: please see this thread for an explanation of this behaviour:
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Level 2

Thank you very much Vlad.
OK after the Console: Get User Input I now added a Set IA Variable Action where I set $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_2$ = $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_2_1$ with the rule Compare IA Variables: $INSTALLER_UI$ equals ignore case CONSOLE. This is really awkward, but finally it works.
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