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Level 4

Changing licensed machine

Hi everyone,

We purchased one license of IA '09 a couple of months ago.
I was told to install it in my workstation and so did I.
Now I'm told to uninstall it from my workstation, and install it in another station so other people can use it when I don't need it. Now I have some doubts about the licensing process.

Anyone knows if I have to do something special? Or just uninstalling it and licensing it somewhere else will work? I don't want both machines to stop working at the same time :S


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(3) Replies
Level 20

I think that this kind of licensing question can only be answered by Acresso Software support. But from what I know, IA licenses are developer based, meaning only you are to use the software and whatever answer you get from the support, I guess it might benefit other users too)
0 Kudos
Level 4

Ok, done without any problems.
I just installed the new machine, and proceeded with licensing just as I did the first time, after checking it worked just fine, I uninstalled the program from my old machine.
So, that was it.

I hope this may help someone in a similar situation.
Alberto E.
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Not applicable

I guess others will be able to use the licensed version of IA only if they log-in using your login account.
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