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Level 7

Change Add/Remove programs executable

By default, IA puts the uninstaller.exe for add/remove programs(windows)->remove
Is there any way to change that executable to something else?
something like.. uninstall.bat, which will be part of installed files..
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(3) Replies
Level 20

By default the Uninstaller is an executable file... which is removed at the end of the installation! Why would you want to have a .bat instead?!?
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Level 7

bcoz.. During uninstallation, i am loading a jar at runtime with the URLClassloader.. and the jar gets a lock if loaded runtime. It can not be deleted till the jvm is down..
so when uninstallation is unable to delete the jar while jvm is running... so i can have a .bat file like....
1. run uninstaller.exe
2. delete the jar

and same .bat points to add/remove->Remove
0 Kudos
Level 20

Maybe the stuff you want to do has to be done in the Pre-Uninstall Task. You load your stuff and once it's finished the uninstaller can remove the JVM and the rest of the files.
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