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Level 2

Build Rules (Static)

I have an Install Anywhere Project scenario in which I have 3 Linux platforms....32 bit Intel, 64 bit PPC64 PLinux, 64 bit ZLinux. In each case I have a ZIP file per instance (x3) that needs to be de-compressed for each particular platform. This is no problem as I can add an architecture rule to de-compress the appropriate Zip file at time by checking the architecture. However, the problem comes in that the install binary generated for each platform "appears" to include all three ZIP files at build time. So for example, the Linux 32 bit intel build includes the other two 64 bit zip files, even though it doesn't use them. This makes each binary an un-manageable and un-necessary size. What I need is a rule at Install Anywhere build time for the individual ZIP file to say if building for PPC64 PLinux then only include the PPC64 ZIP file and NOT the other two.

Is this possible?
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(3) Replies
Level 2

I have a similar situation and would like to know if you found a solution.

0 Kudos
Level 20

truckpdt wrote:
I have an Install Anywhere Project scenario in which I have 3 Linux platforms....32 bit Intel, 64 bit PPC64 PLinux, 64 bit ZLinux. In each case I have a ZIP file per instance (x3) that needs to be de-compressed for each particular platform. This is no problem as I can add an architecture rule to de-compress the appropriate Zip file at time by checking the architecture. However, the problem comes in that the install binary generated for each platform "appears" to include all three ZIP files at build time. So for example, the Linux 32 bit intel build includes the other two 64 bit zip files, even though it doesn't use them. This makes each binary an un-manageable and un-necessary size. What I need is a rule at Install Anywhere build time for the individual ZIP file to say if building for PPC64 PLinux then only include the PPC64 ZIP file and NOT the other two.

Is this possible?

Yes, it is. Please see this:
0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks for the response however the "Optimize Installer Size by platform (Recommended for Final Shipping Installers)" check box doesn't take into account architecture (i.e. 32-bit vs 64-bit) and I need something that will do that.
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