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Vendor Daemon: Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)

Vendor Daemon: Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)


When vendor daemon outputs the following error message:
15:07:17 (VENDOR) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
15:07:17 (VENDOR) ==>INCREMENT feature_example VENDOR 1.0 permanent 2 ISSUER="VENDOR \
TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD" ISSUED=25-may-2017 START=24-may-2017 \
SIGN="006C 380E D8B1 5547 44CB 0F44 3364 0F9F BAC2 D299 CB02 \
514A D0DD AF91 DD81 125F 25FC B173 6A8E BE62 DB4A"

Some of the possible causes are:
- License files are accidentally modified
- License files are purposely modified, but not signed with "lmcrypt"
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Last update:
‎May 12, 2018 02:07 AM
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