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Level 2

Uncounted licenses with a node-locked server

I want to issue a license to a user that lets him run exactly one server on a given machine, but that server will then serve unlimited licenses, to run on any other machines that can see the server. I tried using

SERVER <name>  <hostid>

VENDOR mydemon <path> PORT=1234

FEATURE FOO mydemon uncounted hostid=any <date> etc.

but this allows the server to run anywhere so this license is unsafe!

Putting 99999 (or something) instead of 'uncounted' seems like an unsatisfactory solution - we sold the  customer unlimited licenses, not 99999.

Can anyone help?

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @MatthewHall58 Can you go with the following license file

SERVER <name>  <hostid>
#a counted license
FEATURE f1 demo 1.0 permanent 1 DUP_GROUP=SITE SIGN="0063 4EC8 6902 \
6806 69AD 1CE5 497F 6800 A42E 1869 A9BA 7D46 D241 4BE2 6A13"
where permanent= no expiry of this feature line license or set expiry date
                                    1=  number of license max the user can checkout at once. 
Can you test this and let me know if this helps? 
Best Regards,
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