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Level 5

License Server as 'Activation Server'

I would like to activate licenses from a license server (i.e. from server-side trusted storage via 'clientactutil -served ....'). However, I am missing a concept.

One cannot start lmgrd.exe without a license file. If I create a file that looks like this...

SERVER this_host xxxxxxxxxxx
VENDOR kepwared

...then the debug log reports that lmgrd starts successfully, but that there are no features for the vendor daemon to serve. I have manually (i.e. request/response.xml) pushed a fulfillment record into server-side trusted storage, as the output from serveractutil.exe confirms:

Fulfillment ID: FID__18837780_1199657b66c__7fec
Entitlement ID: 1883-7780-1199-657b-66c7-fef
Suite ID: NONE
Expiration date: permanent
Concurrent: 0
Concurrent overdraft:0
Hybrid: 0
Hybrid overdraft: 0
Activatable: 1
Activatable overdraft: 0
Repairs: 0
Feature line(s):
INCREMENT SIMULATOR kepwared 2010.05 permanent 1 ISSUER="My \
Corporation" ISSUED=2-may-2008 START=1-may-2008 SIGN="02B9 \
54D8 F490 FA30 0D45 1FB4 4704 7B59 641D 32D4 4B02 3620 0533 \
44F2 5156 CD13 C7DC A8CC 771E 44F6 6CC5"

How can I get the license server to recognize that it is serving this license for activation?

Thanks again,
- Paul
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(5) Replies
Flexera Alumni

This is currently a vendor daemon limitation when using only activatable licenses; I believe you'll currently need a license file with a dummy counted feature:

VENDOR pubname
INCREMENT NeverUseThisFeature pubname 1.0 permanent 1 \
NOTICE="Feature to jump-start the server..." SIGN="..."

Or at least one concurrent or hybrid license in the server's trusted storage.
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Level 5

Thanks for your help, that did allow me to start my vendor daemon and activate the license from Client-Side Trusted Storage (CS TS).

Now, I have regenerated the license in SS TS so that the concurrent count is 1 and the activatable count is 0. I would now like to 'float' this license to my protected application and still be able to transfer to another license server.

However, the call to lc_checkout now fails with -18 (LM_NOSERVSUPP - Server does not support this feature). Do I have to somehow configure lmgrd to 'tell' it to scan SS TS?

Thanks again,
- Paul
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Flexera Alumni

As long as your vendor daemon was generated by makefile.act, it should know to look in trusted storage; presumably the debug log shows the feature from server trusted storage during startup? Does lmstat show the concurrent license?
0 Kudos
Level 5

You were correct, apparently a lmreread was necessary to get the server to 'see' the fulfillment record.

I'm still getting a checkout failure, now it is -8 LM_BADCODE. I double checked my vcg_code.h, and the encryption seeds are 0 (i.e. no need to support previous flex versions). There are no LM_SEEDX entries like in lm_code.h. Is this correct?

- Paul
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Flexera Alumni

Correct, lm_code.h and vcg_code.h need the same seeds, but which set (LM_SEEDs or ENCRYPTION_SEEDs) depends which version of FNP you're using.

Also, if you're using FNO 11.5, you'll need to copy lmprikey.h from the FNP toolkit into the VCG toolkit before building; lmnewgen will generate it if it doesn't exist. The FNO 11.5 Implementation Guide has more information about all of this...
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