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Level 2

Inconsistent server port in: recommend removing port from SERVER line.

I'm trying to import a license and get the below error:

Import Information:
Successfully uploaded license file to licenses\SPACECLM\sc.lic.
Import Errors:
Inconsistent server port in: ; recommend removing port from SERVER line.

Here is the beginning of the license file content:

SERVER <12 digit hex> <5 digit num>

I contacted the vendor and they did not recognize the problem. They suggested adding in a port number to the VENDOR line. ie. VENDOR port = 12345.
That did not work. The error was exactly the same.

Has anybody seen this issue?
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(2) Replies
Level 2

Sorry, this should have gone in FlexNet Publishing. I will post this question there.
Thank you.
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Flexera Alumni

I believe that you are using the licensing administrator console (AKA Lmadmin). If so, then historically this error code has always been there, if we have the PORT number specified in licensing file. Only way out looks to be to remove the PORT number from license file,. It's probably some kind of "avoid catch 22 situation -- according to older posts"...

If we really want to change the port number, then remove the port number from license file and import it from GUI. Then you can set the port number in Server configuration tab. This will take into effect after restart of Server.
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