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Level 5

How we can integrate in our license file the geolocation to control the using of our software by Country/Continent/Worlwide ?


How we can integrate in our license file the geolocation to control the using of our software in Country/Continent/Worlwide ?

Is there any setting to collect from our Customer to integrate and crypt in our license file ?

We use FNP 11 19 0 2 and 11 19 6 .

Thanks in advance

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(2) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Hi @jjardine ,
You can use the TZ option in the license file.
Syntax: TZ=[SERVERTZ | <[+-]hh<.30|.45><:[+-]hh<.30|.45>>>]

Enables you to enforce license usage for a feature relative to a time zone; where the time zone is
specified and measured relative to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). 
For more info on this please refer to page 137 of FNP_PF_LF.pdf from the attached doclib.

0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks for your answer.

It is not sufficient for us, we need at minima a country geolocation.

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