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Information to provide when opening a case for FlexNet Operations Cloud

Information to provide when opening a case for FlexNet Operations Cloud

When opening a case for FlexNet Operations Cloud, please provide the below information where possible.  Providing this information with your case will help shorten the time to a solution or answer.

- URL of your tenant (for example:

-  Environment (UAT or Production)

-  Description of the problem or question.  What are you trying to accomplish?  What is your desired result?

-  Steps to reproduce the problem.  Please provide specific examples.

-  Any error messages.  If there are errors, screenshots that include the page URL are very helpful

-  Web Service requests, please an example of the XML of the request and response received and the user  that submits the requests

-  Reporter, please copy the report into the Shared folder and provide the name of the report

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Last update:
‎Jul 24, 2019 03:14 PM
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