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decrypting signed_access_request response

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I am trying to use the signed_access_request endpoint of the cloud licensing server. It is working and returning me a json object with encrypted values. However, I am unable to decrypt them. I am attempting to follow along with CMAPI_UsersGuid chapter 4 "Sample Implementation for Validating Responses" but am getting "ValueError: Could not deserialize key data".

I suspect that I don't have the public key setup correctly for this example code. When I ran my post to rest_licensing_keys, and later a get as well, I got back a json response

"publicKey": "VALUE REDACTED"

What format is VALUE in? How do I need to convert it to a pem file for the script used in chapter 4?

Thanks for your help.

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(1) Solution
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Hi @mwilliams1 ,

The GET on the /rest_licensing keys endpoint will provide you with the public key that you will used to authenticate the signed responses from server.  You should see something similar to:


You will need to save this public key in .pem format which has begin and end public key header and footer tags like the following example:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Let's call this file public.pem

You then perform your signed access request and get a response similar to:

    "header": "ewogICJraWQiIDogMTYwMjE2ODYzMjAwMwp9",
    "signature": "Czf_cQIXSw2-5_9C8-veoWavv_xbLNSgYaeqsyBWkaGFr6vhhHDVO5SVIoA2FTdMtmZiOYm14sxHWFDOcz-3EPmkN_FQfLdjP96ZH8JlFqVxhGi4V-s7PHM92wBZy2BaHkqlLmWWgbcUug29R23VrNokw4FZpVacxofR73ZSP-LJ-xRrLQWO72j1kXl2Nh14s2ZUzD76EJWE585-Vr57uZp0HhZ7IhwdpHPS5RMLdlRr279I3hLE3yCLxuLoWJOustuwudF4bztr8JwOBMy8Bsz6qbm2NJC6nyz3mQTlGrzp66c3Bxr42SOzOdt_ezsdsdEKqtgHB7uI7wKBvG7WhQ",
    "protected": "ewogICJhbGciIDogIlJTMjU2Igp9"

Save this response to a file, let's call it response.json

Now you should be able to run the python example code to validate the response.  Let's call the script

python .\ .\public.pem .\response.json

In my case the raw output is: 

b'{\n "requestHostId" : {\n "value" : "JBerthold",\n "type" : "USER"\n },\n "features" : [ {\n "name" : "F1",\n "version" : "1.0",\n "count" : 1,\n "expires" : "2020-11-16T22:53:58.000Z",\n "finalExpiry" : "2023-10-05",\n "vendorString" : "22b5-0d6f-e208-44ab-b1f9-b4dc-c2d0-04f7"\n } ],\n "statusList" : [ ]\n}'

Hope that helps.



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Hi @mwilliams1 ,

The GET on the /rest_licensing keys endpoint will provide you with the public key that you will used to authenticate the signed responses from server.  You should see something similar to:


You will need to save this public key in .pem format which has begin and end public key header and footer tags like the following example:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Let's call this file public.pem

You then perform your signed access request and get a response similar to:

    "header": "ewogICJraWQiIDogMTYwMjE2ODYzMjAwMwp9",
    "signature": "Czf_cQIXSw2-5_9C8-veoWavv_xbLNSgYaeqsyBWkaGFr6vhhHDVO5SVIoA2FTdMtmZiOYm14sxHWFDOcz-3EPmkN_FQfLdjP96ZH8JlFqVxhGi4V-s7PHM92wBZy2BaHkqlLmWWgbcUug29R23VrNokw4FZpVacxofR73ZSP-LJ-xRrLQWO72j1kXl2Nh14s2ZUzD76EJWE585-Vr57uZp0HhZ7IhwdpHPS5RMLdlRr279I3hLE3yCLxuLoWJOustuwudF4bztr8JwOBMy8Bsz6qbm2NJC6nyz3mQTlGrzp66c3Bxr42SOzOdt_ezsdsdEKqtgHB7uI7wKBvG7WhQ",
    "protected": "ewogICJhbGciIDogIlJTMjU2Igp9"

Save this response to a file, let's call it response.json

Now you should be able to run the python example code to validate the response.  Let's call the script

python .\ .\public.pem .\response.json

In my case the raw output is: 

b'{\n "requestHostId" : {\n "value" : "JBerthold",\n "type" : "USER"\n },\n "features" : [ {\n "name" : "F1",\n "version" : "1.0",\n "count" : 1,\n "expires" : "2020-11-16T22:53:58.000Z",\n "finalExpiry" : "2023-10-05",\n "vendorString" : "22b5-0d6f-e208-44ab-b1f9-b4dc-c2d0-04f7"\n } ],\n "statusList" : [ ]\n}'

Hope that helps.



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Thank you!
As an aside, I think you guys should update your example in this section to add an exp in the JWT we generate.
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