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Level 3

FlexNet Operations 2014 (12.11) - MSSQL


We have an old install of FlexNet Operations 2014 (12.11) with  Oracle 12.1 DB as backend.

Is there  any utility or tool to allow migration of data from Oracle to MS-SQL? and then perform the upgrade to newer on-prem version as oracle binaries are no longer available  to perform a POC with oracle DB.


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(1) Reply

There is no FNO specific tool available to help migrate Oracle DB to SQL server. But there are some DB tools available such as "SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA)" which you can check with your DBA team. While doing this you need make sure all the relevant table constraints, foreign key relation etc. remains intact from migration.

If the data is sensitive and important from 2014 oracle DB, Revenera GCS team can help you migrate the data in latest FNO format. So if you need GCS help you may have to raise a Revenera support ticket where you will be patched with required teams.