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Level 4

FNO: "generateCapabilityResponse" API, what is max allowed size/length of "request"


We are using generateCapabilityResponse API, in that we pass 'generateCapabilityResponseRequestType' object, inside that we pass data in 'request'.

We are sending some data (string) inside request, which is stored in 'notes' in FNO (visible on device page).

I want to know what is the maximum size allowed in bytes (or length of string),that can be stored in 'notes' of a device?

I went through the FNO documentation there was no explicit mention about the limit.

Thanks and Regards,
Anshul Jain

0 Kudos
(2) Replies
Level 4

Hi, we are storing data in vendor dictionary , not in 'notes'.
0 Kudos
Level 4

so the question is,
1. what is the max allowed size of capability request?
2. what is the max limit/sise of vendor dictionary?
0 Kudos