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Level 3

License Management Question


I have a question about license management using clsid. I've modified the C toolkit view example to view the contents of my TS.

I am doing a capability request for a feature A with the count of 1. I run the viewer and I can see my license in my TS. 

I followed this solution: and if I send a capability request with the count of 0 and incremental set to true, when I run the viewer I still see the license in my TS. If I send the capability request with count of -1, I don't see it anymore. However if I go into the backoffice to my cloud server -> view served devices, my device still apears as holding a license count of 1. Is this normal? Shouldn't it be 0 since I returned the license?

Can I use FlcReturnAllLicenses to achieve that? 

Another question is regarding changing clsid during runtime, do I need to delete the TS folder or just updating the url with the new clsid is enough?

Thanks in advance!

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(8) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Netw0rk ,

A capability request with a count of 0 with the  incremental flag set to true will not modify any existing licenses.  It is basically saying "I would like 0 additional licenses".    If you currently have 1 license and request an incremental quantity of -1 you will not have any licenses remaining.   I believe the issue you are seeing is that the the status of the served devices in the FlexNet Operations UI is not updated immediately.  It may take a few minutes for the update.  Please see if this is the case.  

If you change the CLS URL you do not need to delete Trusted Storage.



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Level 3

Hi @jberthold ,

Thanks for the reply, so then what's the correct way to return the license from TrustedStorage back to Backoffice? 

With the capabilityrequest with -1, I still see the count 1 in FlexNet Operations UI (even a day later). The UI seems to get updated only when I do a request to get licenses, that's why I suspect I'm doing something wrong with the return.

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Netw0rk ,

The best way to return all licenses is to request a Quantity of 0 (of any feature) with incremental = false.  Pls try that and see if the UI is updated.



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Level 3

Hi @jberthold ,

I've tried and the licenses don't show up in the viewer, however there's no update in the UI (not even Server Requests or Server History)

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Netw0rk ,

It is possible there could be an issue in your tenant, I would suggest creating a support ticket so that someone can work with you directly.



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Hi @jberthold ,

Thanks for the suggestion the issue is now fixed.

One more question:

I see in the C API there are a couple of functions related to the return/release of licenses. It's not very clear to me the difference between them.

Does FlcReturnAllLicenses has the same functionality as sending a capability request with count 0?

What's the difference between FlcReturnLicense and FlcReleaseLicense?

Thanks in advance!

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Level 3

Thanks, @jberthold!

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