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Borrow / Renewal interval do not work as expected

We are currently using the license server from the FNE C SDK and encounter a problem that we cannot quite understand. We have set a borrow and a renewal interval on the server and we have licenses that are "permanent" on our C-based license server.

When a client requests a license from the server - note that the license is permanent server-side - the license is granted and on the server it shows that the expiration date of the granted license corresponds to the borrow interval we have set on the server.

However on the client side, we see that the license is granted, the capability response shows the borrow interval set on the server BUT the expirationDate is marked as permanent. What had expected would be that the server determines the expirationDate, namely by setting the borrow interval. The expiration date for the license - both on the client and on the server should be the same, but on the client it shows permanent. This is not what we want.

This will obviously lead to the problem that after the set borrow interval, the server will release the license for other devices to acquire, however the client will never release the license leading to the same license being able to be used an infinite amount of times.

As said, we are using the C-SDK (Porting Kit).

What information are we missing or did we get wrong, could you please help here?

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(4) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @TrinityTonic 

Is it possible you are not looking at the correct expiration on the client?  There are 3 expiration dates available.  

- Expiration Date (Local expiration based on borrow interval)

- Entitlement Expiration

- Final Expiration [Entitlement Expiration + Grace Period (if used)]


If the Expiration Date based on borrow interval is not what you are expecting, please submit a ticket so our Support Team can work with you to resolve.



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Hi @jberthold,

regardless of what expiration date I would look at - the license should expire after the borrow interval which is unfortunately not the case here. Other time-based licenses are not shown anymore after they have expired (e.g. tried out by setting time to future), but in this case I can set the time to any date what I want on the client who "borrowed" the license, but it still remains inside the storage as permanent.

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Hi @TrinityTonic ,

Agreed, please submit a ticket so our support team can work with you to resolve.



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This image above shows the debug output prints when I locally run some tests with my FNE server. It shows the expiration date of the features as expected - namely according to the borrow interval I set.

The image below shows the output when I print the capability response that was generated corresponding to the request above. It clearly states that the date is permanent and that is also the behaviour I see, namely that the licenses do not expire after the expected date but remain permanent.


I also attached the images, as the first image isn't clearly visible.

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