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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

update service removing first


i used professional 6.3 to create my products beta software and had a setup.exe. i then purchased the update service because i knew my application would need continual upgrades as time progressed.

since the app was shipped in beta, i have never actually performed an update nor have i sent a information message.

the time has now come where i will be launching our live product. i would like to use the update service for this, but im running into some issues.

my new alpha software setup file was created in professional, and nothing regarding the update service was changed. i then applied a new version of my product to the update service and submitted it. The next time a user launches the beta software, the update is recognied and a silent install is performed. The new update is downloaded but then when it tries to install, it removes the old beta install instead of just updating it. Do I need to create a patch install in professional instead of a full build?

please understand that im a newbie to both the update service and professional 6.3. if you could provide some insight, id appreciate it.

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(1) Reply
Level 10

I think your core problem is in this statement....

"The new update is downloaded but then when it tries to install, it removes the old beta install instead of just updating it. Do I need to create a patch install in professional instead of a full build?"

To Learn more about updating, I recommend looking at the Update Service Help. Either download and install the SDK from the website to get the help on your PC or use the help on the Website. Do an index search on "Update, authoring". Look through the professional links. It should give you some background on how to create an update using Pro6.3. You need to create an update (it can be a full or partial build), and you need to increment the version of your product in the update.

Of course, the update process is much simplier in Pro7, but I don't want to use the newsgroups to push a new release 🙂

I hope this helps get you started.
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